루팅어플 SuperSU v2.78 SR5

조회 수 1096
추천 수 7
댓글 13

Chainfire Releases SuperSU v2.78 SR5, Fixing Some Nougat Bugs

Since September, XDA Recognized Developer Chainfire started a new versioning system for SuperSU. This began with version 2.78 SR1 of SuperSU, and today the man has released 2.78 SR5. Instead of labeling them as a Beta, he changed this to a Service Release naming scheme. He felt this would be a good way of reducing the number of people trying to upload beta releases to non-Google Play app stores since it would continue to carry the same version number.

Since then, Chainfire started work on getting SuperSU compatible with the Pixel and Pixel XL, along with ironing out some bugs related to Android 7.x Nougat. Most of these bug fixes have been related to the A/B partition system that was introduced with Android 7.0 and the Pixel phones. But there have been some other fixes for things like sukernel, supolicy, suinit, and making sure SuperSU worked alongside of TWRP as they were having a conflict until SR4 was released.

Today, he has released yet another update to SuperSU, and this one focuses on some Nougat related bugs again. In a Google+ post, Chainfire tells us that some scripts and services weren’t able to be executed thanks to some modifications SuperSU makes to SELinux and the stricter service execution rules in Nougat. This didn’t happen on all firmwares, but this did lead to Wi-Fi, cellular, and other modem-related features not working on some of them (like the Samsung Nougat beta and CyanogenMod 14.1).

With this update, the SuperSU GUI now offers a way to disable Samsung’s SecurityLogAgent component as part of disabling KNOX (to help remove some of the popups that people were experiencing). Chainfire has also released a custom package for gaining root access to the HTC 10‘s new Nougat update. This will be replaced with a flashable ZIP via TWRP or CF-Auto-Root when it becomes available.

You can download the new version of SuperSU here, and be sure to check out the SuperSU thread right here on XDA as well.


  • Fix shell-based scripts/services possibly not being executed on 7.x firmwares
  • Add SecurityLogAgent to Samsung KNOX detection
  • sukernel: force seclabel
Extra Form
SR5-SuperSU-v2.78-SR5-20161130091551.zip  [File Size:5.65MB/Download:112]
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