조회 수 346
추천 수 9
댓글 6

  • Added support for row values.
  • Allow deterministic SQL functions in the WHERE clause of a partial index.
  • Added the "modeof=filename" URI parameter on the unix VFS
  • Added the ability to VACUUM an ATTACH-ed database.
  • Enhancements to the command-line shell:
    • Add the ".testcase" and ".check" dot-commands.
    • Added the --new option to the ".open" dot-command, causing any prior content in the database to be purged prior to opening.
  • Enhance the fts5vocab virtual table to handle "ORDER BY term" efficiently.
  • Miscellaneous micro-optimizations reduce CPU usage by more than 7% on common workloads. Most optimization in this release has been on the front-end (sqlite3_prepare_v2()).

    Bug Fixes:

  • The multiply operator now correctly detects 64-bit integer overflow and promotes to floating point in all corner-cases. Fix for ticket 1ec41379c9c1e400.
  • Correct handling of columns with redundant unique indexes when those columns are used on the LHS of an IN operator. Fix for ticket 0eab1ac759.
  • Skip NULL entries on range queries in indexes on expressions. Fix for ticket 4baa46491212947.
  • Ensure that the AUTOINCREMENT counters in the sqlite_sequence table are initialized doing "Xfer Optimization" on "INSERT ... SELECT" statements. Fix for ticket 7b3328086a5c116c.
  • Make sure the ORDER BY LIMIT optimization (from check-in 559733b09e) works with IN operators on INTEGER PRIMARY KEYs. Fix for ticket 96c1454c


  • SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-10-14 10:20:30 707875582fcba352b4906a595ad89198d84711d8"
  • SHA1 for sqlite3.c: fba106f8f6493c66eeed08a2dfff0907de54ae76
Extra Form
sqlite3  [File Size:384.6KB/Download:33]
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