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추천 수 9
댓글 14

SuperSU v2.78 SR3 (with Pixel fixes)

출처 : https://plus.google.com/+Chainfire/posts/24xhJN724HG

This update brings fixes primarily for devices with the A/B partition layout such as the Pixels, but there are some other fixes as well.

I have you not read the release notes for v2.78 SR2, you should probably do so now: https://plus.google.com/+Chainfire/posts/fvEPo42GKXS

If you are a Pixel user, you need to fastboot boot the updated boot images contained in the linked ZIPs. If you are using any other device with TWRP or FlashFire operational, flash the SuperSU ZIP file.

System bind

For A/B partition layout devices (such as the new Pixels) the /system to /system_root/system symlink has been replaced by a bind mount.

This corrects absolute paths to something Android expects, and indeed prevents the System UI crash when battery drops to 15%.

As an unintended side-effect this may also magically make some root apps that manipulate /system work that did not work before. Definitely not all of them, but some of them.

Full unroot

This option inside SuperSU wasn't working correctly on A/B partition layout devices, and has been fixed.

Factory reset protection / survival

With the FRP setting enabled (default on the Pixel, manually enable by doing echo "FRP=true">>/data/.supersu in a root shell for other devices), systemless root will survive a factory reset (/data wipe). Note that any updates to the su binaries installed by Play Store updates to SuperSU will be lost.


Pixel (sailfish):
(fastboot boot to root/update)

Pixel XL (marlin):
(fastboot boot to root/update)

Flashable ZIP:

SuperSU BETA thread on XDA:

- Fix 'Full Unroot' on slot-based systems
- sukernel: replace system symlink with bind mount
- sukernel: add missing slot check for system_root import
- sukernel: fix ramdisk backup segmentation fault
- supolicy: adjust priv_app policy to be able to call su
- launch_daemonsu: adjust su.img size detection
- ZIP: improve loop device setup
- ZIP: add factory reset protection (FRP variable, default if slots used)

Extra Form
SR3-SuperSU-v2.78-SR3-20161103171345.zip  [File Size:5.63MB/Download:64]
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