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댓글 20

[XDA] System UI Tuner

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XDA에 루팅 없이 상단바의 아이콘을 숨길수 있는 간단한 어플이 있어 올립니다.

적용하기 위해 필수적으로 개발자 옵션에서 USB 디버깅을 활성화 해야하고,

컴퓨터에 usb 드라이버도 설치하여야 합니다.

전 배터리 아이콘 삭제 및 시계에 초 표시 기능만 사용중입니다.

아래는 XDA 원문입니다.


I just received the Nougat update and realized that the big Samsung in the sky disabled System UI Tuner. So when faced with defeat I decided to spin up an Android emulator and using the some nifty ADB commands reverse engineer all the settings inside the System UI Tuner menu. I then confirmed you could just apply the same settings and they would work and then created an easy to use application to apply them.


To get started you will first want to enabled [Developer Options]:

  1. Go into [Settings]
  2. Tap on [About device]
  3. Repeatedly tap on the [Build Number] until a toast notification comes up stating you have enabled developer options.
  4. Go back

Next you will want to go into [Developer Options] and enable [USB Debugging]:

  1. Go into [Developer Options]
  2. Scroll down and tap on [USB Debugging]

Finally plug in your device to your computer accept any prompts that appear on your phone and run the application. The application will take a few seconds to load as it finds your phone, but after that you will be able to select the settings you want and see them instantly apply to your phone. Features I've noticed that do no work on the Galaxy S7 are: Battery Percentage in the icon, and Do Not Disturb features.

Extra Form
SystemUITuner-v1.1.0.zip  [File Size:1.09MB/Download:20]
SystemUI.png  [File Size:7.6KB/Download:1]
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댓글 20
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