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SQLite Release 3.19.2 On 2017-05-25

  • Fix more bugs in the LEFT JOIN flattening optimization. Ticket 7fde638e94287d2c.


  • SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-05-25 16:50:27 edb4e819b0c058c7d74d27ebd14cc5ceb2bad6a6144a486a970182b7afe3f8b9"
  • SHA3-256 for sqlite3.c: 1be0c457869c1f7eba58c3b5097b9ec307a15be338308bee8e5be8570bcf5d1e

Changes carried forward from version 3.19.1 (2017-05-24):

Changes carried forward from version 3.19.0 (2017-05-22):

  • The SQLITE_READ authorizer callback is invoked once with a column name that is an empty string for every table referenced in a query from which no columns are extracted.
  • When using an index on an expression, try to use expression values already available in the index, rather than loading the original columns and recomputing the expression.
  • Enhance the flattening optimization so that it is able to flatten views on the right-hand side of a LEFT JOIN.
  • Use replace() instead of char() for escaping newline and carriage-return characters embedded in strings in the .dump output from the command-line shell.
  • Avoid unnecessary foreign key processing in UPDATE statements that do not touch the columns that are constrained by the foreign keys.
  • On a DISTINCT query that uses an index, try to skip ahead to the next distinct entry using the index rather than stepping through rows, when an appropriate index is available.
  • Avoid unnecessary invalidation of sqlite3_blob handles when making changes to unrelated tables.
  • Transfer any terms of the HAVING clause that use only columns mentioned in the GROUP BY clause over to the WHERE clause for faster processing.
  • Reuse the same materialization of a VIEW if that VIEW appears more than once in the same query.
  • Enhance PRAGMA integrity_check so that it identifies tables that have two or more rows with the same rowid.
  • Enhance the FTS5 query syntax so that column filters may be applied to arbitrary expressions.
  • Enhance the json_extract() function to cache and reuse parses of JSON input text.
  • Added the anycollseq.c loadable extension that allows a generic SQLite database connection to read a schema that contains unknown and/or application-specific collating sequences.

    Bug Fixes:

  • Fix a problem in REPLACE that can result in a corrupt database containing two or more rows with the same rowid. Fix for ticket f68dc596c4e6018d.
  • Fix a problem in PRAGMA integrity_check that was causing a subsequent VACUUM to behave suboptimally.
  • Fix the PRAGMA foreign_key_check command so that it works correctly with foreign keys on WITHOUT ROWID tables.
  • Disallow leading zeros in numeric constants in JSON. Fix for ticket b93be8729a895a528e2.
  • Disallow control characters inside of strings in JSON. Fix for ticket 6c9b5514077fed34551.
  • Limit the depth of recursion for JSON objects and arrays in order to avoid excess stack usage in the recursive descent parser. Fix for ticket 981329adeef51011052.
Extra Form
sqlite3  [File Size:408.8KB/Download:16]
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