조회 수 4568
추천 수 91
댓글 42



사용환경 : S7,S7 Edge,S6, LG G5......

※ 타기종도 되시는지 피드백 주시구요!

Hi I am back after very long time AlwaysOn is new trend of this year. To check time or battery no more need unlock your phone. You can try feature from LG G5, Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge in your phone. This app is developing on on the Galaxy S6. AOD - Always On Display

Recommended AMOLED display – you can also try it on LCD or IPS but I think there will be very big battery drain.


• Double tap to wake up device like LG phones

• Showing date, time, notifications and battery state and level(red - 15%, green 100%)

• Long press on the date open calendar app

• Tap on notification icon open selected app

• Automatic brightness control for AOD from light sensor or manual set in settings

• Pause AOD when receive call

• Pause AOD if phone is in pocket or proxi sensor is active more then 30s - save battery

• Ability set time which allow deep sleep AOD when phone is without motion more then set time in settings - save battery

• Ability disable AOD when long press backbutton

• Options for configuration views size, color, possition and visibility for views in AOD.

• Options to set wallpaper and opacity for AOD

• Options for time format

• If phone is charging AOD will never paused and you can use it like wath .)

• Swipe left/right over battery row to change brighness for short time removed in v0.1.2


• For now bugs and bigger battery drain still here but working on it

• You must turn off permanent backlight for hw buttons or set time when they will be turn off(Samsung limit I can not do it programally)

• Your light indicator LED will be off while charging etc. (it is because Android turn on led only when display is fully off so I can not do it programally)

About deep sleep - app allow deep sleep in inactive mod where you can set time for app sleep while phone is not moving. Then app will be paused because you sleep etc and then when you wakeup phone AOD will be automatically started. So I think this can save battery. The same if your phone is upside down or in your pocket, you do not need AOD ON.

I need some testers and feedback. Thx for your time. Based on the results of testing I will fix bugs or modify the application features.

Downloads: https://goo.gl/1Ky7bh

Highly recommended to uninstall the old version first


If you want help with translation to your language here are strings . Translated file send to: pavol.franek.dev@gmail.com


v0.1.7 2.5.2016

added option to moving AOD, prevent from firing AMOLED (15 min. cycle)

added option to grey scale notification icons

updated translation - Italian lang- thanks to TENN3R

added translation - Croatian lang- thanks to Karlo Špoljar

updated intro screenshot

v0.1.6 1.5.2016

fixed bugs

added weather + options in settings

added translation - Italian lang- thanks to TENN3R

fixed bug in weather tab

v0.1.5 30.4.2016

fixed another crashes

fixed manual backlight

added option to vibrate when double tap

v0.1.4 30.4.2016

fixed reported crashes

improved performance and battery optimization again

added translation - Thai lang- thanks to Y3Dx

added translation - Russian lang- thanks to Александр Иванов

added translation - Lithuanian lang- thanks to Giancarlo

v0.1.3 29.4.2016

fixed problem with backlight when manual mode selected

AOD service auto start after startup/reset if was previously on

show charging state / icon

v0.1.2 29.4.2016

fixed problem phone do not activate sleep mode - deep sleep at night

added support for 12/24 hours format - in settings

ability manualy change brightness in settings

settings separated to 2 tabs for better view

added Slovak translation

minor bug fix

v0.0.1-0.1.1 28.4.2016


Bugs and TODO:

not showing missed call notification maybe sms also

device not lock when AOD activated on launcher

AOD is active during call IN/OUT

optimize using sensors and algorithms to save battery

TODO show notification while user clear it

TODO bettter sort setting tabs

Extra Form
screenshot_2016-05-04-16-36-23.jpg  [File Size:138.9KB/Download:3]
screenshot_20160503-223256.png  [File Size:216.1KB/Download:2]
screenshot_20160503-213835.png  [File Size:236.4KB/Download:3]
0ewbur.jpg  [File Size:51.3KB/Download:2]
hsxjct.jpg  [File Size:41.2KB/Download:4]
v0.1.7.apk  [File Size:3.71MB/Download:621]
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까칠장미[M♥L] 님의 SIGNATURE


댓글 42
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