조회 수 484
추천 수 13
댓글 5

SQLite Release 3.14.2 On 2016-09-12

  • Improved support for using the STDCALL calling convention in winsqlite3.dll.
  • Fix the sqlite3_trace_v2() interface so that it is disabled if either the callback or the mask arguments are zero, in accordance with the documentation.
  • Fix commenting errors and improve the comments generated on EXPLAIN listings when the -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENTS compile-time option is used.
  • Fix the ".read" command in the command-line shell so that it understands that its input is not interactive.
  • Correct affinity computations for a SELECT on the RHS of an IN operator. Fix for ticket 199df4168c.
  • The ORDER BY LIMIT optimization is not valid unless the inner-most IN operator loop is actually used by the query plan. Fix for ticket 0c4df46116e90f92.
  • Fix an internal code generator problem that was causing some DELETE operations to no-op. Ticket ef360601


  • SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-09-12 18:50:49 29dbef4b8585f753861a36d6dd102ca634197bd6"
  • SHA1 for sqlite3.c: bcc4a1989db45e7f223191f2d0f66c1c28946383
Extra Form
sqlite3  [File Size:380.4KB/Download:29]
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